The biggest obstacle to most home repair desires is money. Getting a home repair loan can seem scary but there are several ways to go about getting the money you need. Making repairs in a timely manner and adding improvements keeps your home enjoyable and also adds to the resale value. Putting aside necessary repairs because of the cost can end up lowering the value or worse, destroying your home. Many regular repairs need to be done annually and are not expensive but if left undone will build up and cost you much more in the long run. Some repairs, however, that need to be done on a fairly regular basis such as roofing, siding, or other big items can cost a considerable amount of money just to keep them in good shape.
For regular repairs that cost less than two or three thousand dollars many people look to unsecured finance company loans. These loans are generally short term in length; most will only be given for one to two years. While the interest rates on these loans can be quite high the ease of application, and quick approval, usually within a day or two, make these very appealing.
For large repairs, or improvements it may be necessary to apply for refinancing of your home in order to get the money you need. In most cases it is easier and more beneficial to apply for a second mortgage rather than completely re-mortgaging your first loan. This is a much more complicated matter than an unsecured loan but unlike applying for an initial mortgage usually does not require the payment of closing costs or appraisal fees.
In the event that your original mortgage carries a high interest rate or is nearly paid off it may be wiser to refinance your original mortgage and get the money that way. When refinancing the first mortgage on your home you will generally have to pay all of the normally associated costs of a home loan such as closing costs and appraisal fees but the savings can be greater if you end up lowering your overall interest rate as a result of doing so.
Many online websites have loan calculators that can help you see if you will save money by refinancing your existing home loan or how much the monthly payment on a second mortgage would be. Of course the better your credit is the easier it will be to get a loan and the better your interest rate will be. However, it is still possible to get a home repair loan even if your credit is less than perfect. Knowing what your credit score is ahead of time and what negatives you have on your report will help you in talking to your finance officer. Letting them know what happened in the case of a faulty payment may indeed help if issues from your past were caused by a temporary illness or caring for an ill loved one. Loss of a job during a period of time can be considered a reasonable explanation so long as the issue has been resolved. Remember your loan officer understands that people have trouble in their lives, but if you have a ready explanation it will help move things along quicker.
The biggest hurdle most people have to overcome in getting a home repair loan is the fear of doing it. Once you get things started you will be amazed at how quickly it moves and you will be on your way to getting the repairs and remodeling done.